Sunday, September 30, 2007

Walk the World for Schizophrenia

The local Kentville Chapter of the Schizophrenia Society had our Walk the World for Schizophrenia today. Things went really well and everyone had a real good time. The weather was excellent. It wasn't to cold and it wasn't to hot.

The walk was held in Wolfville. We met at the park to register. While everyone was registering we had a live band called Rust Bucket play some music for us. The music was great. I think everyone liked the music.

After the registration we started the walk. We followed the path along the water. Eventually we got on Main Street and walked along Main Street. Then we turned right and the walk ended at the Lions Club.

We all went inside. We had another live band playing called The Mud Creek Boys. It was a blue grass type band. Their music was great too.

Everyone had a bite to eat. We were all mingling and socializing. After everyone was finished eating they had some draws for prizes. They give out nice prizes. After the draws were done the band played some more music.

After that the crowd started diminishing. Finally everyone left and went their merry way. It was a great day and everyone had a real good time.

We also raised a good chunk of money for the Schizophrenia Society.