Saturday, October 17, 2009

Today: My Official Fun Day

When I woke up this morning around 8:00 am I decided that I did not feel like doing any work today. So I didn't. Everything I did today was just pure fun. I didn't do any work whatsoever. I spent a few hours playing my Star Wars Video Game. I did some pleasure surfing. I just navigated around the net on subjects that give me fun and pleasure to read. I read some science articles on the official BBC web site. I did some research on addiction and schizophrenia. I didn't even do any writing today. I was supposed to write my first draft for an article for the CMHA Newsletter but I didn't. I will tackle that tomorrow and get it done. I did some reading on MSN about celebrities and musicians. I just had fun today. I don't know if that was the right thing to do or not but I did it anyway. This is the first time that I have ever done this. I always do a lot of work everyday. House chores, writing, working at collating, working on things for our business, and whatever else that needs to be done. I will get back at the old grind tomorrow though. Kim and I have to get up early and go to the flea market and try to sell some product. When we get back I am going to help Kim with the house chores. I will have to get my first draft done for my article for the CMHA Newsletter tomorrow. I need to work on some things for our business. I will be busy tomorrow engaging in lots of work. I really don't feel bad about taking today off though. I just needed a break from it all. I just did those things that just bring me pure fun and I had a ball doing it. I personally feel that everyone needs to take a day off from work and have some fun once in a while. If you feel all bogged down from working all the time, take a break, relax and do things just for pure fun. Set aside all that work and enjoy yourself. I am not saying that we need to do this all of the time but we all need that fun day once in a while. I am glad that I never did any work today and just did those things that bring me just pure fun. If you need to, take that break and have some fun. I did.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Antipsychotic Agent in the US Market

Here is an article about a new atypical anti-psychotic medication that has been approved to be used on patients. I have read the article and this new medication looks promising. Hopefully it will make it's way into the Canadian market.

To read the article click on the link below.

Gene Clues to Schizophrenia Risk

Here is an excellent article on the genetics of schizophrenia. We have a long ways to go to figure out all the details of the genetics of schizophrenia but progress has been made.

To read the article click on the link below.

Today's Walk

Our local Chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia held our annual Walk the World for Schizophrenia today. We have a lot of dedicated people. It was just pouring out and we still had a very large turnout.

Kim and I arrived a hour early. Slowly people started showing up. Finally someone arrived with the key to the building. I helped with the 50/50 draw collecting the money and passing out the tickets. Kim helped put the food out for people to eat.

When it was time we all headed out for the walk. I got soaked. My feet were so wet it felt like I went wading in a swimming pool. The actual walk only lasted about an half hour. After arriving back from the walk we all started pigging out on the real good food. We also got to listen to a live blues band. The music was just great.

After awhile the draws started for the prizes that were passed out. I won a pair of mittens with the 2010 Olympics on it. After they tallied up the amount of money brought in it was good news. A fairly good chunk of money was made.

When Kim and I decided to leave we went to Port Williams to check out the Prescott House Museum. We wanted to find out where it was because we will be doing a flea market there for our business. We are hoping to make a fair amount of cash there. The flea market is October 10th this year.

All in all Kim and I had a wonderful day.