Saturday, October 17, 2009

Today: My Official Fun Day

When I woke up this morning around 8:00 am I decided that I did not feel like doing any work today. So I didn't. Everything I did today was just pure fun. I didn't do any work whatsoever. I spent a few hours playing my Star Wars Video Game. I did some pleasure surfing. I just navigated around the net on subjects that give me fun and pleasure to read. I read some science articles on the official BBC web site. I did some research on addiction and schizophrenia. I didn't even do any writing today. I was supposed to write my first draft for an article for the CMHA Newsletter but I didn't. I will tackle that tomorrow and get it done. I did some reading on MSN about celebrities and musicians. I just had fun today. I don't know if that was the right thing to do or not but I did it anyway. This is the first time that I have ever done this. I always do a lot of work everyday. House chores, writing, working at collating, working on things for our business, and whatever else that needs to be done. I will get back at the old grind tomorrow though. Kim and I have to get up early and go to the flea market and try to sell some product. When we get back I am going to help Kim with the house chores. I will have to get my first draft done for my article for the CMHA Newsletter tomorrow. I need to work on some things for our business. I will be busy tomorrow engaging in lots of work. I really don't feel bad about taking today off though. I just needed a break from it all. I just did those things that just bring me pure fun and I had a ball doing it. I personally feel that everyone needs to take a day off from work and have some fun once in a while. If you feel all bogged down from working all the time, take a break, relax and do things just for pure fun. Set aside all that work and enjoy yourself. I am not saying that we need to do this all of the time but we all need that fun day once in a while. I am glad that I never did any work today and just did those things that bring me just pure fun. If you need to, take that break and have some fun. I did.

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