Monday, August 20, 2007


Often times people with schizophrenia go through periods of depression. I have been depressed and discouraged all day. The reason being that I am laid off and haven't worked in nine months. I've been so distraught I haven't been able to do anything at all today. I haven't been able to concentrate on my reading, my writing, and I haven't done much housework today.

But I have made a decision. Even if I never work again I do not have to be depressed or discouraged. I can still live a life of meaning, purpose, and be a productive member of society. I have my wife as my best friend in the world. I can get meaning out of life in my marriage. As time goes on our love for each other grows more and more. We become closer and closer with each other. Even if I never work again I will never be alone in life because I have Kim for companionship.

Outside my marriage I can still have meaning, purpose, and be a productive member of society. I can devote my life to my writing. I can continue writing for my blogs. I have a few of them on the net. I can use my writing skills to help my fellow consumers, family members of consumers, and educate the general public about schizophrenia to help remove some of the stigma against us consumers.

I am the editor of the Schizophrenia Newsletter put out by the local Kentville Chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia. I will continue working on our newsletter. We put it out three times a year.

I can also go to the Acadia University Library to do research there on various topics. I will use this research for writing essays, and articles for my blogs and newsletter.

If I never work again there is still hope that I can live a life of meaning, purpose, and be a productive member of society.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Schizophrenia and Violence

The majority of those with schizophrenia do not commit violent acts. In fact they shrink from others and just want to be left alone. The majority of violent acts are not carried out by people that have schizophrenia. The majority of people that have schizophrenia are not responsible for violent acts. (Psych Central )

Among those that do carry out violent acts drugs and alcohol play a big role. But they also play a big role among those that don’t have any mental illness that carry out violent acts. ( Psych Central )

According to Dr. E. Fuller Torrey people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are only responsible for roughly 1000 homicides a year. Only the ones that are not taking their meds are usually responsible for these murders. If you compare this statistic with the total number of homicides a year in the US these 1000 murders are a small percentage of the total amount which is roughly 24,000 homicides. ( )

It is true that violence amongst those with schizophrenia is very minimal but it is also true that people try to ignore the fact that there is some violence among those who are not receiving treatment. (Schizophrenia Research )

The whole issue of violence boils down to a treatment issue. There is a connection between those who do not believe they are ill, don’t take their medications and violence. (Schizophrenia Research )

So, the question is: How can we reduce what little bit of violence that is carried out by those with schizophrenia?

The Province of Nova Scotia has passed and made law the Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act.

This law will see to it that those who do not believe that they are ill and will not take their medication will receive treatment for their condition and get well thus reducing what little bit of violence is carried out by those with schizophrenia.


National Institute of Mental Health (2006 December)
Schizophrenia and Violence Psych Central
Retrieved 10 August 2007 From the World Wide Web

Schizophrenia and Poverty, Crime and Violence
Retrieved 10 August 2007 From the World Wide Web

Violence and Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Research
Retrieved 10 August 2007 From the World Wide Web

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Causes of Schizophrenia

No one knows what exactly causes schizophrenia. But there are some theories out there concerning the causes. Scientists don’t know all the facts but through biomedical research they are searching for genes, factors in the development of the brain, and how the environment might be some of the causes of schizophrenia. (Fact Sheets)

Schizophrenia does seem to run in families. Due to this fact scientists have been searching for genetic reasons that cause this illness. They are trying to identify the actual genes that might cause it. (Rethink)

Scientists also suspect the neurotransmitter dopamine as a potential cause of this illness. A neurotransmitter is the chemical that carries messages from one nerve cell to another in the brain. The dopamine binds to the receptors on each cell. They suspect that there is too much dopamine. Therefore it does not bind properly thus causing the symptoms.

The reason they believe dopamine might have something to do with the cause of this illness is because anti-psychotic medications that bind to the dopamine receptors do reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia. (Mental Health Channel)

There is another cause scientist’s suspect. A physical abnormality in the brain. Due to neuro-imaging technology scientist’s have been able to find abnormalities in both structure and function such as the fluid-filled cavities (the ventricles) deep in the brain being enlarged. Some research has shown a decrease in the metabolism of certain regions in the brain. It is believed that these abnormalities were caused in the fetal development of the brain. (Psychology Information Online)

The afore mentioned are just causes that scientist’s suspect. I personally believe that there is no 100% factual evidence to prove these theories true. But what evidence we do have certainly points towards these theories being definitely true.


Causes of Schizophrenia Fact Sheets
Retrieved 8 August 2007 From The World Wide Web

Causes of Schizophrenia Rethink
Retrieved 8 August 2007 From The World Wide Web;

Schizophrenia Causes Mental Health Channel
Retrieved 8 August 2007 From The World Wide Web

What Causes Schizophrenia Psychology Information Online
Retrieved 8 August 2007 From The World Wide Web

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Involuntary PsychiatricTreatment Act of Nova Scotia

The Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act was passed in Nova Scotia on July 3rd 2007.

This Act raises an important question. Does someone being forced into treatment against their will impinge on their rights as Canadian citizens?

This a very tricky and complicated issue. The answer is not cut and dried. There are pros and cons for both sides of the issue.

Do people with a severe mental illness who do not know that they are ill have the right to refuse treatment? They believe that they are not ill and that they do not need to be treated with anti-psychotic medication to get well because they are not sick. According to the medical profession this belief is part of the symptomology of the mental illness itself. They are not capable of making a rational and objective decision concerning treatment because they are not mentally competent enough to understand that they are ill and understand the pros and cons of treatment. They just simply believe there is no problem that needs to be treated.

So, does giving them the right to refuse treatment benefit their health and well being? No. In fact they will stay ill and suffer beyond what people that have no mental illness could imagine. They will suffer psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and even sometimes physically due to hallucinations. Many people that don't receive treatment oftentimes end up on the street with no place to live. Though this is rare some people might end up in jail due to a violent crime they committed due to paranoid symptoms. My personal opinion is that these people who refuse treatment due to the fact that they do not believe they are ill do not have the right to suffer, live on the street, or end up in jail for many years due to a violent crime that they are not mentally responsible for. Ask yourself this question. Is it impinging on their rights to prevent them from much pain and suffering for the rest of their lives?

If I were to get ill again and didn't have insight into my condition I would not want to have the right to refuse treatment and suffer much pain and suffering for the rest of my life. I have already suffered to much pain, torture, and torment due to my own mental illness. I never refused treatment but it took the Doctors many years to find the right medication. I would not want to go through all that sickness again. I am very glad, pleased, and full of much joy about this Act being implemented in this great Province of ours.

This Act will prevent much suffering, pain, torture, and torment in peoples lives. I believe the Government did the right thing by passing this law.