Friday, July 13, 2007

Schizophrenia and Suicide

Based on Premature Death from Recognizing Schizophrenia For What It Really Is: A Call To Action.

If you compare brain pain with physical pain people cannot not observe brain pain because it's psychological but people can observe physical pain because it is more obvious. Brain pain can cause suicidal thoughts more so than physical pain.

When consumers talk of suicide it should be taken seriously. Roughly 40% of those with schizophrenia attempt suicide and 10% successfully finish the job. Approximately 15 to 75 more percentage of people commit suicide in the consumer population than those in the general population.

It's not the actual disease that causes consumers to commit suicide but the hopelessness associated with schizophrenia. The consumer feels that there just is no hope of living happy, meaningful, and productive lives. Their lives are a total waste with no hope of digging themselves out of the hole that they find themselves in as a result of the disease.

An important goal of mental health professionals, workers in the community, and family members of consumers should be to aware of suicidal thoughts and tendencies. The timing could be critical.

Premature death isn't only caused by suicide but also by homicide and accidents as a result of high-risk behaviour. If consumers are not receiving treatment a small percentage do carry out violent acts. Some people die as a result of homicide and some consumers die at the hands of police officers by being shot because they are committing dangerous acts toward others. Despite the fact that there are some consumers who commit violent acts the majority of consumers are completely harmless.

Society as a whole should take on the responsibility of doing their best to prevent suicide by mental health consumers. We need to give them hope that things are not as hopeless as they appear to be. If everyone takes part suicide prevention is truly possible.

It's impossible to truly measure the impact of premature death on the mental health consumer population in Canada. All the numbers mentioned in this article are just rough estimates. The numbers in reality could be a lot higher.

We need to show much love and compassion towards the mental health consumer population and do our best to prevent suicide amongst these truly suffering group of people. They need our help. They can't do it on their own. Let's all reach out and give a lending hand to help prevent suicide amongst this population of people.

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