Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Day At The Craft Fair

My wife and I got up at 6:00 am this morning.  We left at 6:30 and picked up a friend.  We headed to the Somerset Elementary School and spent the day at the craft fair.  We sold enough product to pay for the table and made some profit as well.

We all had a ball.  We had a great time socializing with the customers.  My friend, wife, and I carried on with each other.  All around it was a wonderful day.  Having a day like today is very important to me because there was a time when I wouldn't have been able to do this.  I would have been severely paranoid.  I wouldn't have been able to socialize with the customers.  I would have been afraid for my life at a function like this.  It simply would have been a terrible time for me.  I wouldn't have been able to enjoy myself.  It  would have been just a nightmare for me.

I am very grateful for the way my life is right now.  I now feel fully human and fully alive.  I have a wife, friends, I am able to work, and I am able to spend hours doing my hobbies.  I am heavily involved with the  Schizophrenia Society.  I simply know how to live life to the fullest and I enjoy every minute of it.  Even though I constantly battle my OCD symptoms I rise above them and make the best of it.  Sometimes it's very hard and difficult but I am a fighter and a survivor.

Today was a wonderful day and I am very grateful and thankful for it.

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