Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Schizophrenia and the Media

On the Zfarside of Life and Other Thoughts blog there is an entry on stigma and discrimination against the mentally ill caused by the way the media presents mental illness in their TV broadcasts. There is a three way conversation on the comments section of that entry.

One of the points I made was how can we get the media to present the true facts about mental illness instead of presenting it as an evil disease that lies behind violent crimes?

How are we going to permanently stamp out that stigma and discrimination against the mentally ill?

I have one answer to this previous question. The newly established "Canadian Mental Health Commission". I have just finished reading their official web site. If the Commission is successful at achieving their goals the plight of the mentally ill will make a radical change.

There is more hope waiting in the wings. There will be better service delivery. The Commission is going to carry out a massive anti-stigma campaign. The Commission will help improve research on mental illness.

The Schizophrenia Society of Canada's national emblem is the Iris Flower. This flower represents "Faith, Hope, and Courage". I personally feel that the newly established Commission will make "Faith, Hope, and Courage" a reality and make a major turn around in the plight of the mentally ill.

We've been waiting a very long time for the Government to do something to change the lives of those affected by mental illness, both consumers themselves, family members of consumers, and other people in society that are affected by mental illness.

I just can't put into words the feelings that are flowing through through my veins right now.

A final word. Let "Faith, Hope, and Courage" flow through your entire being because things are going to start happening that we never dreamed possible.

1 comment:

joel said...

Hey Tony,
I have a brother with schizophrenia. He is going through similar problems that you face. Right now he believes his problems are due to a lack of spiritual faith, and that the devil is causing his issues. For a time he got medication and was doing better, which proves that this is a chemicical imbalance. But then he was again presses to believe this falacy that he is possessed. He is a good person, a benevolent soul. This belief is rediculas. I am also trying to find a church that can meet both his spiritual needs and his mental problems. Its like i explained to him, some peope are born with eye problems, so they get glasses. But in this case, he was born with a mental problem. I just wish he could see it. I hope I can find a church who can help. I also hope you find a church who can support you too.