Saturday, December 27, 2008

Year 2008

Kim and I have had a wonderful 2008. During this year Kim landed her job at the Animal Shelter. She just loves her job. She works with all the cats. She especially works with the cats that are nervous and shy. She has been successful at getting them out of their nervousness and shyness. As a result of this many cats have found homes and these cats will make great pets. If it wasn't for her some of these cats might have been put down.

In January of this year I was fortunate enough to land my writing job with CMHA writing for the Mental Health Perspective Newsletter. I has been a wonderful experience doing this. I have interviewed many people for articles for this newsletter. It has been a real learning experience. As a result of this writing job I have boned up on my interview skills and my writing skills. I am not sure if I will still have this job when I get back home. The reason for this is that our funding has run out and we don't know if we will be able to get any more funding. I am hoping that we did get some funding while I have been home for X-mas. I would love to be working on this newsletter for the year 2009.

I have been also working at Flyer Services for the year 2008. I put flyers together there. I get paid by piece work. The more I do the more money I make. I have personally chosen to work long shifts there. I don't have to but I do it anyway. My shifts last anywheres between 15 to 20 hours. I am very pleased with this because when I was ill I couldn't work any longer than five minutes. This job gives me enough money to pay for my internet and my tobacco. I plan on working there for the year 2009.

I have also been working on the Schizophrenia Newsletter for the Schizophrenia Society. I also take great joy and pleasure in writing for this Newsletter as well. I am also truly grateful and thankful that I have my good friend Harold helping me with this writing project. He formats it for me. I gather up all the articles and things for it and he puts it all together. It is basically a team effort. We work together on it as a team. We are hoping for another successful year with this newsletter. I personally think that it will be a successful project for the next coming year.

Another good thing that has happened is that Kim and I have successfully started her business. We have been accepted by CAPRE to help us out with our business. We are truly grateful for this. They are going to help us draw up a solid business plan, help us with the marketing, help us with keeping the books, and many other things they will be helping us with.

I have also been very successful in writing for my blogs and web sites I have on the net. I have been writing for these. I have written many many articles for these blogs and web sites. I have also had help by other people writing articles for them too. I personally have a ministry happening here. I have a ministry getting the word out there about schizophrenia and addiction and recovery. I personally believe that my blogs and web sites on schizophrenia and addiction are helping my fellow consumers and addicts. I is also helpful to the family and friends of those with schizophrenia. It also serves as a medium to help stamp out that awful stigma against those of us with a mental illness. I personally believe that one of the ways to stamp out stigma is to educate society about schizophrenia and to dispel some of those awful myths out there about schizophrenia.

I also have started a Christian Ministry with some of my blogs and web sites. I write about the gospel to help unbelievers repent and believe the gospel that they might obtain eternal life. I also try to minister to my fellow Christians to help them with their Christian faith and walk. I am hoping to write more material for these blogs and web sites than I did in 2008.

All in all the year 2008 has been a wonderful year for both Kim and I. We are looking forward to a great 2009. We are hoping that this year will be a better year than last year. I personally believe that this year will be a wonderful year full many many blessings poured out upon us by God. I owe all the great things happening in our lives to the love, compassion, grace, and mercy of God. God by His divine providence and intervention has done many many good things in our lives. I am truly grateful and thankful to our wonderful God.

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