Monday, March 29, 2010

Life Balance

I am still working hard. When I am collating my shifts run from 12 to 14 hours. I still write for the CMHA newsletter. I am working on May's edition of the Schizophrenia Newsletter. I haven't been doing any other work. I have been taking time out for myself. I need that at the present moment.

I have been doing research on fishing and bird watching. I plan on doing a lot of fishing and bird watching this summer. I love getting out into nature. I love fishing and bird watching for rest and relaxation. I get great pleasure out of these activities.

I also spend 2 to 3 hours a day playing video and computer games. I mostly play war games. I play Battlefield 1942 and Star Wars. I like the action games. I am just having a ball. Kim also comes with me when I go fishing and bird watching. I really enjoy Kim's company while I am engaging in these outdoor activities. We also have a great time together. There is nothing better than doing my hobbies with the companionship of my beloved wife.

I keep pretty busy. I haven't been doing much writing on my blogs and websites though. When I feel in the mood I just sit down on my computer and just start writing. I love writing and the very act of writing. I will continue writing for my blogs and websites but I just haven't been doing as much as I used to. I will definitely get down to business though and do more writing.

Even though I am not accomplishing as much as I would like to I am still a walking miracle. There was a time when I couldn't accomplish anything. Day in and day out I did absolutely nothing. I wasn't capable of doing anything. All I did was pace the floor and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. When I was active in my addiction all I did was drink beer and do drugs and sat around and did absolutely nothing.

I am just so grateful and thankful for my recovery from my schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, my addiction, and my alcoholism. I am living a life of meaning, purpose, joy, happiness, and I am a productive member of society. I am actually accomplishing something in my life. There is a saying, "when it's all over all that matters is what I have done." When I pass on from this life I want to leave behind me a legacy of things that I have accomplished while I was still here on earth. I also take time out for myself just to do those things that are just pure fun for rest and relaxation.

I have found balance in my life. Balance is very important when it comes to having "good mental health." We all need that balance in our lives if we want to be "fully human, fully alive." Work is important but it is not the be all and end all of life. I am just grateful that I can work. I am also grateful that I can engage in fun activities as well.

I would like to leave my readers with this suggestion, seek balance in your life and you will enjoy life more than just spending all your days working, working, and working. I love working but I also love just having fun. I am very happy and content with my life just the way it is. The reason being is that I have found that important balance in my life.

May my readers be successful in finding your own balance in your own life. I have and it is a great blessing for my life.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kings County Chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia Meeting Announcement

Speaker: Dr. Philip Tibbo

Professor; Dr. Paul Janssen Chair in Psychotic Disorders, Dept. of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University

SUBJECT:  Talk on early psychosis.  Discussion on recent findings on research.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2010, 7.00 pm.

In the Hall of the Lions Club of Kentville, between Community Services and Police Station on River Street


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Whole New Outlook on Life

I have been doing research on human rights. I have been reading Canadian documents on human rights, United Nations documents, and documents by other countries. As a result of my research my whole outlook on life has changed. My philosophy has changed. I have even changed my religious beliefs as a result of my research.

My purpose in life pertaining to my relationships with my fellow man has changed. I have decided to respect the rights of others and not violate their rights in any way. I will not show discrimination towards others in thought, word, or deed. I will not show prejudice in thought, word, or deed.

It doesn't matter what their race, color, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, religion, philosophy, physical disability, mental disability, and political positions are I am to show respect, love, compassion, and honor them in life. I wish not to hurt them in any way psychologically, emotionally, or physically. I should not say or do anything that will damage their reputation with the rest of society. I am to treat all members of the human family like my own brothers and sisters and those that are older than me like mothers and fathers.

I also know that there is much stigma and discrimination towards mental health consumers. Our rights are being violated by society, the government, medical professionals, and mental health professionals. Many of our rights are not being imputed unto us as a result of that stigma and discrimination. We need to change this. We need to rise up and fight to have our rights given unto us by all of society. Discriminatory acts are carried out against us on a daily basis. We are treated like outcasts of society. In fact the pain of stigma, prejudice, and discrimination is far more painful than the mental illness itself.

I plan on doing a lot more research on human rights and also how it applies to mental health consumers. I am also going to research the law concerning mental illness and our rights. I want to develop a real good working knowledge on these topics to give me ammunition in my fight against our rights being violated by society day in and day out. I am a soldier engaged in warfare against all of society to fight for our rights to be imputed unto us, and to stamp out that stigma, discrimination, and prejudice against all mental health consumers.

I now have a new purpose in life outside my marriage and work. Fight to the end. Fight until the objective is achieved. Fight until I am put into the grave. Fight, fight, fight until we win the war. I wish to die fighting and after I am gone I want to be remembered as a great soldier fighting for our cause. To stamp out all that stigma, discrimination, and prejudice against mental health consumers.

I also hope that my fellow consumers, family and friends of consumers, and all interested parties get involved in the fight as well. The more soldiers on the battlefield the better chance of winning the war. I make an appeal to all. Rise up and fight, fight, fight.

Kings County Chapter Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia Fund Raiser