Thursday, December 1, 2011

An Update

I haven't written anything for my blog lately so I thought I would write something tonight.  I thought I would write an update on what's going on in my life.  I am still recovering from my schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, addiction, and alcoholism.  On December 6th this year I will be clean and sober for 12 years.  My wife and I are going to do something special to celebrate.  My wife had a lot to do with me staying clean and sober that long.  She was a real big help to me in this regard.  She is very special to me.  Without her I would be like a little lost sheep in the wilderness wandering around aimlessly.  

I am still working hard.  I still write for the CMHA newsletter called "A Mental Health Perspective."  I still write for, format, and put together the Schizophrenia Newsletter published by the Kings County Chapter of the Schizophrenia Society, and I am still collating (putting flyers together).

Kim and I have been really busy with her business.  We have attended a lot of craft shows this year.  We have one to do tomorrow and then we are done for the season.  We will be starting up again next fall.  Plus we will be attending the Farm Market downtown a few times during the summer months.

For fun and relaxation I do a lot of research on the net and play computer games.  I love intellectual activities.  I love doing research and writing.  I would love to go to university but that's not practical.  It would take to long to get my degree and it would cost to much money.  I have decided to do my own research and become a self-taught expert on the subjects I decide to research.  I also want to start writing essays and research papers.  Maybe even some day have them published.

When I want to take a break from it all that is when I play computer games.  I am not very good at them but I have a ball playing them anyway.  I love the challenge and they are fun to play.  Playing computer games takes my mind off of everything and I get wrapped up in my game.  It is a great change from all the work that I do.  I need to have balance in my life.  I also take time out for my marriage.  Kim and I spend a lot of time together and we do things together.  We love travelling together, and eating out together, when we have the money.

I try to have a balance between my marriage, work, and rest and relaxation.  I also take time out for my friends.  I feel that  a social life is very important to one's mental health.  I still take my medication the way it is prescribed.  If I stop taking my meds I will get ill again.  I make regular visits to my psychiatrist.  I also have a good support system in place.  I have Kim, my psychiatrist, my mom, and other mental health professionals in my life.  When needed I always have someone to turn to for help.  Many times I turn to more than one person.  That gives me more options to consider when I seek advice and help for my problems.

Overall I am living a great life.  I love life and love being alive.  I am living in recovery.  Recovery is truly possible.  I am living a life of meaning, purpose, and am a productive member of society.

I would like to say to my readers.  Good luck in your own recovery.

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