Monday, September 22, 2008

Schizophrenia and Recovery

It is truly possible to recover from schizophrenia. Although different people recover at different rates and different levels recovery is still possible. Some barely recover at all. Despite all this it is still possible to find a life of meaning, purpose, and happiness. It is still possible to become a productive member of society.

Medication is the foundation of recovery. Once a persons medication kicks in and starts to work it relieves the positive symptoms. It helps with the visual and auditory hallucinations, the delusions, and the thought disorders. It helps to clear the mind of all that confusion and cluttered up thoughts. It helps a person to think in a rational, logical, and organized manner. Once this happens then a person is free to work on the rest of recovery.

One thing that helps with recovery is education. Being educated about schizophrenia. Being taught the symptoms and symptom management. Being taught about the causes, medications and how they work. Side effects of the medications. Learning how to cope and deal with their illness and still function despite the symptoms. Some peoples symptoms get under good control while others barely go away at all. Despite this consumers can still learn to function in every day life.

Part of recovery involves learning to live as independently as possible. Learning how to budget money, shop for groceries, cook meals, do the housework, and look after personal hygiene. Learning social skills and being able to attend social events in the community. Learn to occupy ones mind with activity such as reading, painting, doing crafts, playing musical instruments, writing, or any other activity that the consumer is interested in. Getting exercise and proper nutrition is also important in a consumers recovery. The exercise could be a solitary activity or a team activity. Whatever the consumer prefers.

For those that are well enough consumers can pursue an education. Whether gong back to high school, attending university, or going to collage. If a consumer does decide to attend an educational institution they need to learn to manage the stress involved in going to school. Consumers need to keep the stress level down as low as possible because to much stress can cause a relapse of their illness. Consumers can take training on how to organize their time, study techniques, how to write essays and papers, how to take notes in class, and how to prepare for tests and exams.

Some consumers might decide to break back into the work force without attending school first. A person needs to take training on how to conduct oneself in the work place, social skills development, and how to get along with the boss. They need training on how to write resumes, cover letters, and how to be successful in an interview with a possible employer. Career counseling is another aspect that needs to be done in order to help the consumer decide what kind of job they want to do in life. A consumer needs to know how to sell himself/herself to the potential employer so they need training on how to do this. Once on the job they will need the actual training on how to perform their job. In time they will learn how to do their job, how to excel at their job and be a good asset to their employer.

All these aspects of recovery bring meaning, purpose, and direction in life. A consumer needs to figure out their goals, objectives, and what they would like to accomplish in life. All within the capabilities of the consumer. A consumer cannot do anything that is beyond their abilities in life. It is still possible to learn news skills and develop new abilities that they can apply to their lives and become more successful at their goals and objectives.

Mental health consumers are not capable of doing all these things on their own. They need help. Most of their help can be obtained from the Mental Health Profession. As well as family and friends. Consumers cannot do it alone. There is a saying in Narcotics Anonymous. I can't but we can. If the consumer, the mental health professionals, family and friends work together as a team recovery can be accomplished.

I would like to end on a positive note. Recovery is truly possible. There is hope. Seek recovery with your whole being and obtain the help you need from the necessary sources in order to be successful. Have faith, hope, and courage. Don't give up and strive towards your goals. In the end you will succeed regardless of your circumstances. You can overcome and get the victory over your illness. Keep your dreams alive and pursue them with all your heart. Once again, there is hope.

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