Monday, September 21, 2009


I used to watch a show called Life in the ER. It was a non-fiction show. It was actually filmed right in the trauma center. I was watching a show one day and someone asked the Doctor in charge of the trauma center why he was so successful at his work. He said focus. When he was in school he was 100% focused on his studies. Nothing else occupied his mind. Then when it was time to actually work in the trauma center he said when he was at work he was 100% focused on his work. Nothing else occupied his mind.

I need to apply this concept to my own life. If I want to be successful at achieving my goals and objectives in life I need to become 100% focused. To succeed in my marriage I need to be 100% focused on my marriage. To have a successful and profitable business I need to be 100% focused on our business. If I am to continue to be successful at my two writing jobs and my job as a collator I need to become 100% focused. In order to continue to be successful at my writing for my blogs and web sites I need to become 100% focused. Nothing else can occupy my mind. I need to put all thoughts out of my head that don't pertain to my goals and objectives.

This is the only way that I can become successful at all my goals and objectives in life. Focus, focus, focus. I am totally determined to accomplish this in my life. I can and will succeed. Good luck in achieving your own goals and objectives in life.

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