Monday, September 21, 2009

An Objective in Life

From the time I was fourteen years old until the year 2000 I suffered much suffering, pain, torture, and torment. Between my schizophrenia, addiction, and alcoholism I just went through living hell. In the year 2000 I started recovering from my schizophrenia, addiction, and alcoholism.

I personally believe that the reason for all that suffering was so that I could empathize with my fellow consumers, addicts, and alcoholics. I have been where they are and have been. I can share my experience, strength, and hope with them. One of my objectives in life is to do my best to help others.

I have often thought about going to University and getting official training in the mental health profession. Then getting an actual job in this field. This is not practical. It would cost too much money. It would take me too long to get my degree because I would not be able to handle a full work load. I would have to only attend part time.

So, the question is, how can I fulfill my objective in life helping others? If I cannot receive official training and actually work in the mental health field how can I help others? There is an answer to this question. MY WRITING. I have a gift for putting things down on paper. I am able to express myself better by writing than I can engaging in conversation. I can help others by continuing to write for the two newsletters I write for. I am able to help others through the articles I write for my blogs and web sites. Outside my marriage and work I have a purpose in life. Helping others.

Good luck in your own recovery.

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