Monday, May 25, 2009


I am going to be a busy man. Once our store gets started up I will be working long hours. I will probably be working the store 10 hours a day. I am not going to give up my writing jobs either. I will have to find time for my writing jobs. I will also have to find time to continue writing for my blogs I have on the net. I also need to find time to continue with my research. I do a lot of research on schizophrenia, addiction, alcoholism, and Christianity. I have the passion to get knowledge. There is a saying, "knowledge is power." Especially if it is the right kind of knowledge. I am a intellectual type person. I would rather do research on the afore mentioned topics than read a novel. I personally believe that reading novels is a waste of time. Reading up on schizophrenia, addiction, alcoholism, and Christianity is not a waste of time. Getting knowledge is very important to me. If it was practical I would go to university and stay there long enough to get my PHD. It is not practical though. It would take me over 12 years to get my PHD. By the time I graduate it will be to late for me to acquire work in my field of study. I would also owe the government thousands of dollars. I would have to get student loans to pay for my education. So, I have decided to get knowledge on my own. Being self taught is just as good as being taught by a professor. In fact I could probably learn more on my own than I could in university. I get to study what I want to study not what my professors want me to study. I can pick my own works to study. I can study what I personally feel is the most important thing to study. In other words being self taught is the best way to go. I also have enough self-esteem to believe that I am capable of learning just as much as someone getting their PHD. There was a time when my self-esteem was zero. I am on the journey to recovery and I am grateful and thankful unto God that I am recovering. I am only recovering because of God's Divine Providence and Intervention. I owe my whole recovery to God. He did through medicine, psychology, and spiritual interventions. I am so grateful and thankful that I am not able to put it into words.

Bye for now.

Good luck in your own recovery.

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