Thursday, May 14, 2009

Research, Study and Writing

I have decided to advance further in my writing career. I want to become a successful, paid, published, free lance writer. I have been giving a lot of serious thought as to what field I want to research, study, and write about.

I have been seriously considering becoming a science writer. In school I never got past grade nine. As a result of this I never got training in the basic science concepts of high school. So I am thinking about researching and studying the basics I missed in high school. Once I master the basics then I will advance my studies further. I've decided to specialize in scientific research being done on mental illness, addiction, and alcoholism. Once I develop a real good working knowledge on these topics then I will start writing on them and seek to get my works published. I will start finding scientists to interview for my stories.

I have a keen interest in science and mathematics. These were my favorite subjects in school and I made my best marks in these subjects. The decision I made concerning what to write about is based on my passion for math and science. Even though I have no formal training in math and science I am quite capable of teaching myself on these topics. I believe that I can learn just as much as a university student. I will just be teaching myself instead of being taught by a professor.

Before I actually start writing for publication I want to do much research and study first. I believe that a writer needs a real good working knowledge on their subject before they start writing. The editors can tell if you know your subject or not. If the editors think that you don't know your subject very well they will not publish your work. I am going to give myself a year or two before I start submitting works to be published. I am going to start a science blog though and write for that for practice and to develop my science writing skills. I have never written anything on science so I will need to develop the necessary skills to write about this topic. I just thrive on challenges. I am looking forward to mastering this new challenge.

It will take a lot of time before I will start becoming successful as a science writer. There is lots of time. I am not going to a fire. I will just take things slowly and take things one step at a time. Eventually I will reach my destination. There is a lot of hard work ahead of me but I feel that I am up to it. I am looking forward to my journey. I am going to seek to enjoy the journey and eventually arrive at my destination.

Wish me luck.

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