Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Computer

My computer is my sanity. I spend 99% of my spare time on my computer.

I use it for my research. I have several blogs on the net that I write for. I use my computer for my writing for my two writing jobs. I also play computer games on it as well.

I do a lot of research on the net. I research Christianity, schizophrenia, concurrent disorders, addiction, and alcoholism. I also do some research on Church History. I also do research on the scientific aspects to mental illness, concurrent disorders, addiction, and alcoholism. Especially scientific research on these topics. I am an intellectual type person. I get great pleasure out of doing research. I would rather do research on these topics than read a novel. To me personally reading novels is just a waste of time. I am a knowledge seeker. I want to get knowledge. There is a saying, "knowledge is power." Especially if it's the right type of knowledge.

Concerning my blogs I am having a ball. I just love writing. I love the very act of writing. I love sharing my knowledge with others through the medium of writing. I also love to share my experience, strength, and hope with others. I love writing about my personal experiences. I love to use my writing skills to help others. I love to tell others that there is hope. Recovery is truly possible.

I presently have two writing jobs. I write for the "A Mental Health Perspective" newsletter. This newsletter is published by the Kings County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. It is an excellent newsletter. It has quite a wide distribution. It is distributed all over Nova Scotia, even as far as Australia. I love writing for this newsletter. It gives me the opportunity to help the mental health community. I can also help reduce that awful stigma out there in society. One way to reduce stigma is to educate the public about mental illness. I also write for the "Schizophrenia Newsletter" published by the Kings County Chapter of the Schizophrenia Society of NS. This newsletter comes out every four months. It contains a lot of good articles pertaining to schizophrenia. It covers a variety of subject matter on schizophrenia. It is the perfect medium to get the word out there. I just love writing for this newsletter.

When I need to get away from it all I play computer games. I just love playing war games. I play with infantry men, tanks, half tracks, war planes, and other types of war machines. I can play my games for hours even without a smoke break. I do this just for fun and relaxation. It gets my mind off the everyday hassles of life. It gets me away from my problems for awhile. It is just time out for myself.

Overall computers are a very important component in my life. I use them both for work and for fun. I get much pleasure and satisfaction out of using computers. I am grateful and thankful that man has invented computers. Without my computer I would be like a little lost sheep in the wilderness. Thank God for computers.

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