Saturday, May 16, 2009

Election Time Again

It is election time again in Nova Scotia. We are voting to see who is going to be our Premier. I am voting for the NDP. I personally feel that they are in politics for the people and will do their best to do what is beneficial for the people. Most politicians do what benefits them the most not what benefits the people. I personally believe that the NDP will do their very best to do what's in the best interest for society. Not just certain parts of society but all society. They will try to solve the economic situation we are in at the present moment. They will try to alleviate poverty in our Province. They will try to improve the health care system and cut down on waiting times. They will try to create jobs and keep the young people in Nova Scotia. At the present moment a lot of young people have to move away just to find a half decent job. They will also do what they can to improve the environment. Overall I believe that everyone should vote NDP. In the past the Liberals or the PC's haven't done much to improve the quality of life for all society. Including the poor. We need a change. That change is the NDP.

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